Jelby's is temporarily closed. I hope to re-open after the New Year and start taking orders. Please come back to visit!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's giveaway time!

Anytime is a good time for a giveaway when it's for a baby! Jelby's burpies are the perfect gift to give your own babies, a first time mom, second time mom, anytime mom, or just to have on hand for the last minute shower. This giveaway is for one set of burpies. You pick em' and I'll ship em'!

Here's how it will work. Click on the "burpies" link and take a look at what I've got. Pick out your favorite set and let me know about it! For each item, you will earn one entry:

1) Leave a comment letting me know which set is your favorite!

2) Post about the giveaway on your blog!

3) Copy and paste my "grab me" button to your blog (in the actual post or on your sidebar).

I'll pick the winner (randomly) on Friday, May 22nd. Happy looking!!


  1. Great idea! Tough choice...I'm gonna go with Ryleigh to give as a gift! Love the bright colors and you can never go wrong with polka dots! You'll be on my blog! :)

  2. oh can I choose which is my favorite...could I tell you once I know if I am having a boy or girl? I am proud of you for doing this!! What a great idea and way to make money while staying at home!!

  3. I love the "Morgan" set! They all look so good!

  4. Ok seriously how do you pick? I love Amelia - my bestie is having a little girl in a few weeks and I think they would be so cute! She will have tons of pink stuff but would need something to match her adorable red outfits.

  5. I like Emma Kate and Morgan! I'll put it up on the blog! :) You're doing great! Have fun on your vacation!!!

  6. Ok I so put it on my blog but I don't want anyone to click the link because I want to win - is that bad?

  7. I like Morgan the best. And I better win....or I'll starve your dog....wait a might like that.

  8. I'm going with the popular Morgan as well, which would be perfect for me since I'm having a GIRL!!!! I put it on my blog, and I'll put you on my sidebar one of these days when I figure out how! Candace needs to get a blog so she can advertise for you.

  9. josiah is so cute! it's hard to find cute boy things to give my cousin's baby, but you have mastered it!

  10. For a boy, I love Weston. But overall, I'm liking Josiah the best because it's so cute for a boy or a girl.

  11. I love them all! I am voting for Michael since I have a boy!

  12. Shannon - this is great! I'm so glad to have a place I can get a personalized baby gift and support a friend at the same time. My favorite is Anna because I love the minky dot fabric! It is so soft! I don't have a blog, but I will post this website on my facebook page.

  13. BTW - I posted mt comment under Alan's account, but this is actually Rachel. Although, Alan looked at the burpies and thought they were awesome!

  14. They are all adorable! I love Caroline.

  15. They are so cute! It is a toss up between Ryleigh and Caroline. Maybe I will win one and then I can buy the other one. I put the "button" on my blog and posted about the giveway. Good luck. Sounds like a good idea to me.

  16. My favorite are the Ryleigh. I will post about the giveaway on my blog! Thanks, Shannon, your burpies are so adorable!

  17. (I guess I should have said my favorite are the Ryleigh b/c I already have the Emma Kate for my little Emma Kate :) )

  18. My favorites are Ryleigh and Morgan! I love them all and would give any of these away as gifts!

  19. Shannon, Meredith Tibbetts gave me a set of your darling Jelby's (Ryleigh set) for our baby girl who is coming is less than a month. I can't wait to use them :) My other favorites are the Carly and my husband's would definitely be the Michael. I will post about the giveaway on my blog and put the button, too!

  20. Ok, so I have a favorite girl set and a favorite boy set!! How do I decided?!?! :o) We are having a little boy come September, so the Michael set needs to be my one of choice. But I am so partial to all of the fabulous little girl ones......especially the Sara one!!

  21. I found this on Lori's blog...these burp cloths are adorable! I have two favorites - Anna and Josiah. I can't decide which one I like better.

  22. Love them all, but I think Morgan is my fave!!!

  23. Very hard to pick just one--they're all so cute and I still end up with a tie between Caroline and Ryleigh. :)

  24. They're all so adorable! It's hard to pick a favorite, but if I had to, I'd say it's Ryleigh. Good luck on your business venture. (And good luck to me for the drawing.) :-) Is it bad to say that?

  25. Amelia is my fav!


  26. Okay, I wasn't sure what to think when Kelly said to check out your blog. I have not found too many cute burpies for little boys. Trust me I have looked (I am pregnant with my third boy). I love all the girl ones they are just too cute. The boy ones blew me away. I did not expect them to be sooo cute. I loved Josiah the most. You will be on my blog :)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.
