I promise I intended to draw for the winners earlier than 7pm! I also intended for there to be spacing between paragraphs...sorry!
This was such a fun giveaway! I loved hearing all of your Christmas traditions.
My favorite tradition from my childhood was staying up as late as possible on Christmas Eve. I always wanted to wait until the fire went completely out in the fireplace, for Santa's sake:) My sister and I would wake up super early, run in to find our stockings, unpack them and repack them like we hadn't touched them, look at all the gifts (my parents didn't put any presents under the tree until Christmas morning, so it was really exciting!) and then wait (un)patiently for my dad to eat breakfast before we opened gifts. It was sheer torture as a 5 year old to sit in front of the tree for hours and then have gifts handed out one by one. We didn't start opening gifts until 10am sometimes...and didn't end until lunch time! I love it now, but it really was borderline child abuse back then:)
So far, my favorite tradition with my own little family is our Advent Calendar. It has been a great nightly routine of focusing on the true meaning of Christmas. December has already been flying by, so I look forward to this every night as well!!
Okay, moving on to what you all are here to find out! My camera is out of city limits right now, so please trust me that this drawing was fair and square:) I usually have pictures for evidence. There was lots of mixing up of papers (65 papers to be exact!) and careful drawing of just one per little person.
Without further adieu, here are the winners of the holiday shirt giveaway:
The Steele's
"I love the green shirt with the gingerbread man on it!! Very cute shirts. My favorite Christmas tradition is waking up early on Christmas morning and making pigs in a blanket along with monkey bread and coffee. We open presents and enjoy a nice breakfast while still in our pj's!"
"The candy cane shirt is precious!!!! I love it! My favorite Christmas Tradition is getting new pajamas every Christmas Eve. :) It's fun. And I'm a follower and have added your button!"
Congratulations y'all!!!! Email me at shopjelbys@gmail.com and let me know which shirt you want!!
Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway. I saw a lot of new names and that made me excited!! Order by December 18th and I'll take 10% off of your order! Just remind me that you entered the giveaway:)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Oh I'm so excited! I never win giveaways!! :) Thank you so much! Emailing you now!