Jelby's is temporarily closed. I hope to re-open after the New Year and start taking orders. Please come back to visit!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

As promised...

There are some new items to check out at Jelby's!

We've got some new "big sis" and grandma shirts!

Those tank dresses that I have been telling you about for a month now:) Pardon the very non-professional picture...our daddy got home from being gone for over a week and I just thought this was the cutest thing ever...and it shows off the dresses in "real" life!

Appliqued beach towels! Perfect for summer birthdays!

More custom shirts...and more non-professional pictures:) My big girl turned four at the beginning of the month. We had to have an "Oreo" the horse shirt to go with her "Oreo" the horse birthday party!

Click on "dresses" and take a look at the new tank dresses. I'll be adding more styles as I make them! The appliqued towels are found under "extras" and you know how to find the shirts!

Thanks for looking!

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