Jelby's is temporarily closed. I hope to re-open after the New Year and start taking orders. Please come back to visit!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blogger challenged

I think some of y'all may be having trouble leaving comments (I heard from a friend tonight)...if not, then the two of y'all that have entered the giveaway have a really good chance of winning:)
If you can't leave a comment here, please email me at and that will totally count!!
Also, it dawned on me the other day that some of y'all might like to see the actual prize you'd be winning! Well, that's not possible right now. Ha! I haven't officially decided on my holiday shirts yet, so therefore, there is not a preview picture for you. But, please rest assure, the shirts will be adorable...especially if it ends up being a design you want!
Alright, get to entering!!!

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