Jelby's is temporarily closed. I hope to re-open after the New Year and start taking orders. Please come back to visit!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm back, but I'm not back....except for a giveaway!

I've got to be honest here. I've enjoyed the break from Jelby's. There. I said it. I think I've been in denial, but it's true. I've been enjoying it so much that I forgot to introduce y'all to the reason I've been on a break....
Meet Max. He was born on April 19 and weighed 8lbs. 12oz. This picture was taken (by the lovely and talented, Melody C. Photography) when he was an itty bitty two weeks old. Sigh.
And, here's Max, just a week ago. He's a bruiser at five months old and 20 pounds! We love his spikey hair, sweet smile, go with the flow personality and serious brows. My girls are IN LOVE with their brother. Not a day goes by without a million kisses given to him, and I know you can see why:

Things have been busy in the Bankhead house! My oldest daughter started kindergarten, we've been sleep training (without much success) Maxers and I've started homeschooling my 3 year old. So, as you can see, there's not much time for Jelby's. But, lucky for you...I can't resist making holiday shirts!
I'll be (sort of) opening shop for my sister's "Holiday Trunk Show" in Keller, November 17th. More details will follow. I am not opening Jelby's for new orders quite yet. My plan is to make shirts for the show and then sell the rest on the blog after. I don't think I should, or will be making any for new orders until after the New Year.
Hopefully, I still have some followers to this little blog. I'd love some input as I start gathering materials and new ideas for the holiday shirts. And, just for fun (and to get some good replies!), let's do a GIVEAWAY!!
Leave a comment with a design idea you'd like to see on a shirt and I'll put your name in for a FREE holiday shirt! I'll pick a winner in TWO weeks, October 7th. The winner will get to pick a shirt from my "holiday line" that I'll be selling in Keller (and, who knows, I may pick your design to be included this year!). You can score some extra entries by blogging about this little giveaway and Facebooking about this giveaway. Please leave a comment for each entry (commenting, blogging or Facebooking).
I'll be back (but I won't be for real back) to let you know who the winner is!!!


  1. I would love to see a 3D flower in holiday colors. Can't wait to see you at Kelly's!


  3. I also facebooked you! I thought I just commented that, but it isn't showing up.

  4. I'd like to see a holiday colored initals shirt or a reindeer.

  5. I like the ornament with ribbon, too...or maybe a tree with little buttons (or something) for ornaments! Jennifer Wamsley
